Marissa Gensimore-Community Development Chair
There was no reason for hunger, however there were games to be played. Though for forecast was suspect, Friday’s Grande Parade and spectacular fireworks, came off without a hitch. Everyone was amazed at the magnitude and artistry of the display.
Saturday started with a BANG! Roger Stark brought his cannon to the OVMP to signal the start of the half marathon, 10 and 5K runs. 328 runners participated in this years, Run to the Wall. On Main Street, festival goers enjoyed a variety of musical entertainment from bag pipes, Beetles, and Blues to Johnny Cash. The food truck fare was delicious. All of the trucks ran out of most foods and one truck sold out completely. The tours of the Rhoades-Harter House and Limbach Building display saw over 500 visitors combined. The Bake Walk, face painting, kid’s games, and balloon artist were a big hit. Seventy–five cars were registered with the Car Show. Among a few of the day’s highlights was the presentation that Senator LaRose made to the Village. Recognition was also made of the Bicentennial’s Platinum Sponsor, CCSupply, to members of the Tony Crookston family. Those present, were treated to the Gettysburg Address and President Lincoln’s second inaugural speech.
Sunday’s, Community Service of Thanksgiving and Worship, followed by the Community Picnic felt like “home”. It was a true reminder of what this Village was built on.
An event like this takes many hands, doing many things. Beyond the committee and the CHS multiple people joined the effort. There things that are planned for and then, there those things that happen that are not. That’s when you really appreciate those that are willing to step up. John Gajovski did a great job organizing the parade and car show. Ken Noon and Sharon Kerchanin of the OVMP gave of themselves personally and financially above and beyond. Resident Eric Ayers (The Wood Guy) as always, jumped in with both feet. Donating his time and boom to hang and rehang the banner, providing a generator and a fan to help keep the inflatables up and running. Scott Rader (Iron Horse Graffix) and his son Steven were, on the spot, producing posters, providing a sound system for the Bingo caller, orchestrating the set up and tear down of tables and chairs in the Firehouse. As well as trash detail. There was a group of campers from Hillside Park who volunteered to shuttle people from Main Street to the OVMP. It is refreshing to know that there are those who see a need and just fill it; because they are a part of the Community. Thank you to everyone involved. Your contribution made for a wonderful celebration.